Membership Information and Application

Membership in the Lincoln Group of New York is available at three levels. Each year’s annual dues cover from February 1 to January 31.

  • Sustaining Member at $50 a year
  • Individual Member at $30 a year
  • Student Member at $15 a year

Members receive written notification of all upcoming meetings, are entitled to attend meetings at the member’s discounted rate, and receive our annual newsletter, The Wide Awake Bulletin. Twenty dollars of the Regular Membership fee is tax-deductible, and $40 is deductible for Sustaining Members.

Non-members are welcome to attend our dinner/lectures, but reservations are required.

If you wish to become a member, please print, fill out, and mail the application form.

Wide Awake Membership Certificate

Click the image above to open and print
a PDF version of the Membership Application.