About Us

Lincoln at GettysburgThe Lincoln Group of New York is a non-profit, member-based organization founded in 1978. Our purpose is to advance the existing body of knowledge about — and appreciation of — our sixteenth president, as well as to help perpetuate his legacy.

For more than forty years the Lincoln Group of New York has provided Lincoln devotees in the New York metropolitan area with the opportunity to hear educators, authors, and other experts speak on Lincoln and related topics and to share their interest with like-minded individuals.

Three times each year we hold dinner/lectures in New York City where these experts share their knowledge with our members and other attendees. The meetings are scheduled to coincide with significant events in Lincoln’s life—in February, April, and November.

Over the years our speakers have included virtually every outstanding and well-respected Lincoln scholar, including James Oakes, Frank J. Williams, Hans Trefousse, Harold Holzer, Mark E. Neely, Jr., Catherine Clinton, James M. McPherson, Craig L. Symonds, James Swanson, Jonathan White, and many others.

Abraham and Mary Lincoln

In addition, annually since 1988 the Lincoln Group of New York has recognized literary or artistic excellence in the field of Lincoln studies by presenting its Award of Achievement to the individual or organization that has done the most to encourage the study and appreciation of Abraham Lincoln.

Recent winners have included Jon Meacham for And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle; the Glass Entertainment Group for the six-part CNN series Lincoln: Divided We Stand; Ted Widmer for Lincoln on the Verge: Thirteen Days to Washington; Brian Dirck for The Black Heavens: Abraham Lincoln and Death; and Sidney Blumenthal for Wrestling with His Angel: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln Vol. II, 1849-1856.

We also publish an annual newsletter, The Wide Awake Bulletin, named after the groups of young men who, in 1860, demonstrated their support of Abraham Lincoln’s candidacy for the presidency.

The newsletter provides members with information about the activities of the Lincoln Group of New York, brief synopses of what our speakers have shared with us, an annotated list of the year’s new Lincoln books, and informative and entertaining stories about Lincoln and the people around him.

Whether you have been interested in Lincoln your whole life or have only recently developed an interest in our sixteenth president and want to learn more, the Lincoln Group of New York is the one organization in the New York metropolitan area that can provide you not only with the opportunity to regularly hear leading Lincoln scholars speak but also to meet and discuss Abraham Lincoln with fellow devotees.

Our Next Meeting!

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 8th. Please check our Facebook page or contact us for more information,